6 September: Taste, Tweet & Theatre with Pieter-Dirk Uys

On Tuesday, the 6th of September, the Baxter is hosting its 4th Taste, Tweet and Theatre evening in the theatre foyer from 6:30pm. The event precedes a performance of Pieter-Dirk Uys’ new one-man show, Desperate First Ladies. Superb wines that will present their blends for tasting and sampling include a number of popular cellars from the Darling region.

Pieter-Dirk Uys is an absolute powerhouse of energy, bravery, opinion and humour, and his contribution to the arts and culture have been recognised around the world. The Baxter is delighted to welcome him back for the Cape Town premiere of Desperate First Ladies, his all-new one “man” show.

In Desperate First Ladies, Evita Bezuidenhout graciously shares the stage with a chorus line of other outspoken and iconic women from all walks of life, including Cape Malay DA firebrand Mrs. Pietersen; the first lady of Libya, Madame Gaddafi; Mother Teresa, who is manning the telephone exchange in heaven; the kugel Nowell Fine and Evita’s much-loathed sister and the black sheep of the family, Bambi Kellermann.

The Baxter’s Taste, Tweet and Theatre evenings are hugely popular interactive social media events. Patrons go online during the tastings via their mobile devices to chat, tweet and update their Facebook pages and blogs before and after the show. With this immediate medium, people share their experiences of the wines and the performance while a drop-down screen in the foyer updates audience members with the ongoing Twitter activity surrounding the event.

South Africa’s Most Famous White Woman Tannie Evita Bezuidenhout @TannieEvita who stars in Desperate First Ladies, has close to 10 000 followers on Twitter!

We’d love you to be there. We know that you’ve got a bunch of people following you on Twitter, many Facebook friends and that people are interested in what you say. This is a great night for taste-makers and connectors in the arts world and it’s guaranteed to be a great show.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Join us for the Ouroboros ‘Taste, Tweet & Theatre’ evening

The Baxter Theatre Center recognises the emerging power of social media as a platform for promoting the incredible work done on our stages. We also recognise that 21st-century media players come in all shapes and sizes: From varsity-trained journalists working their way up in the local newsrooms to the independent voices armed only with a smartphone an opinion and an army of followers who hang on their every word.

What do all of these people have in common? Probably lots of things, but we’re pretty sure that a love of good, free wine would rank right up there as a common denominator.

That’s the reason why the Baxter has paired up two exciting wine brands, Fairhills and Joubert-Tradauw with the Tony-award winning Handspring Puppet Company for our third ‘Taste, Tweet and Theatre’ evening at the premiere of its new production “Ouroboros“.

Do you need me to explain the sequence of events? Here it is…

1. Arrive at the Baxter Theatre at 6.30PM on the 1st of June.
2. Sip the delicious wines. (*note* Sip, not glug)
3. Tweet about it.
4. Go in and watch Ouroboros at 8PM.
5. Repeat Step 3.
6. Go home.
7. Write spectacular, gushing blog post about evening.
8. Repeat Step 3.

Sound like something you’d be interested in? If so, then please e-mail your full name to jonathan.duguid@uct.ac.za, so we can reserve some seats in the theatre for you.

Looking forward to seeing you there.